Haka For Life is non-profit charitable organisation providing a unique platform for people to communicate powerfully and raise awareness of mind health.
Latest News
- 2024 Haka For Life Celebration Ball
- Di Ryder OAM will be speaking at Ngarla Maumahara, 2024 Indigenous Anzac Day service
- Ngarla Maumahara – 2024 Indigenous Anzac Day Service
- Haka For Life Celebration Ball
Our Story
We, the Leadership of Haka for Life declare that we stand for the lives of men, women and children
- Listening without judgement
- A voice for the unheard
- A home for love, joy & vulnerability
- Guardians of culture
Creating strong communities and leadership worldwide.
We are guided by these values in everything we do and all that we are
- Manaaki Tanga
Literally is to bestow a blessing upon your guests and others you host - Kotahi Tanga
Unity and oneness in word, actions and intention - Whanaunga Tanga
To value and practice the forming of kinship and relationships - Rangatira Tanga
To weave together. Ranga – Weave. Tira – Group – People together. tanga – Actions – practice
- Kaitiaki Tanga
Guardian, care for. Tiaki – ‘to guard’ depending upon context and can also mean, to keep, to preserve, to conserve, to foster, to protect, to shelter, to keep watch over. (Woven universe). Kai – agent of the act. Guardianship, preservation, conservation, fostering, protecting, sheltering. (Woven universe) - Integrity
- Keeping it real
Authenticity - Transparency
Open & Honest - Acceptance
- Humour