We are honoured to announce Indigenous Veteran Di Ryder OAM as one of our speakers.
Di was recently Inducted into the WA Womens Hall of Fame. In 2023 she was awarded the Order of Australia Medal (OAM). In 2017 was awarded the National NAIDOC Lifetime Achievement Award. In 2009 received the Perth NAIDOC Outstanding Achievement Award and the City of Swan Active Citizenship Award.
Since 2014, Di has been President of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Veterans & Services Western Australia.
Di leads the Indigenous Veterans Commemoration Service with the assistance of the Department of Veterans Affairs, Perth Legacy and the RAAF Association of WA.
The Indigenous Veterans Commemoration Service is held at the Flame of Remembrance, the State War Memorial Kings Park during Reconciliation Week and is attended by the Governor of Western Australia, MPs, the Aboriginal and wider Veteran Community, and hundreds of school children from across the metropolitan area.
We look forward to Di Ryder OAM contribution to our Indigenous Service and warmly invite ALL peoples of Boorloo- Perth to attend.
Di Ryder OAM will be speaking at Ngarla Maumahara, 2024 Indigenous Anzac Day service